Easihair Pro Tape In Extensions at Studio 486

2017 is upon us! Thoughts and feeling of creating a healthier and happier life come to mind as we look to the fresh year ahead. The new year does seem the perfect time to put emphasis on what we want and make plans to go, do, see and feel what we want.
If you have been wanting to feel more confident about you hair, extensions could really change the game for you. Whether you struggle with growing your hair to the long lengths your desire or you have always craved thicker fuller hair, tape-in extensions are the answer you've been looking for.
Extensions give you that extra pep in you step, that extra confidence to take on the world. Confindence that assists you in being the best version of yourself.
Beauty is much greater than skin deep, however the age old statement holds a lot of truth:
When you look good, you feel good.
Here at Studio 486 Salon it is our continued mission is to provide you with the highest quality extensions on the market. We are so excited to offer Easihair Pro- the look and feel of the hair is extrodinary!
The tape-in method of hair extensions is the quickest, easiest, least damaging and most natural looking way to wear extensions. The installation takes 20- 45 minutes. You wear them for 5-8 weeks, then you are ready for a tightening. The tightneing appointment lasts an hour and a half to 2 hours. EasiHair Pro hair can be worn for two applications, when properly maintained with at home care. The 100% Human Hair comes in 30 different colors and shades to ensure a perfect color match! Offered in 3 lengths, 12", 16", & 20".
Book your complimentary consultation where we can discuss your hair extensions dreams.